City Sprouts Farmer's Market

Join us in revisiting the vibrant atmosphere of our pop-up booth at the February Farmers' Market! Grateful to City Sprouts for the invitation, we cherished moments filled with traditional lion dances and community spirit. Explore our experience and insights from this memorable event on LinkedIn.

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Chingay Telok Blangah

Step into the heart of community celebration at Telok Blangah's vibrant market! Proudly partnering with City Sprouts, Telok Blangah PA, and Pulai Eco, the event was a fusion of sustainability and culture. Explore our journey alongside local vendors and engaging activities that enriched minds and hearts.

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Project Zero Flea Market

Experience the essence of conscious shopping and impactful choices at the past Project Zero Flea Market! We delved into guilt-free treasures that championed sustainability and eco-conscious living. Check out our journey towards a greener planet at Bishan CC Covered Plaza. We had local produce, rescued goods, and more while making a difference. Experience purposeful shopping firsthand

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